Tools for data analysis in eduction
Tools for data analysis in eduction

As you’ll see in the compiled statistics below, there are a lot of driving forces in the continuous growth of the elearning industries.

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According to the latest reports of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the number of enrollees in distance education courses rose even though the overall rate of college enrollment dropped (NCES, 2019). Online courses continue to grow, especially in colleges and universities. Moreover, this should give you a better idea of how fellow educators and students are leveraging elearning to their advantage. This compilation of statistics should serve as a good resource for educators and students alike as with the different elearning tools, implementation methods, benefits, and challenges. This article aims to discuss the different elearning statistics that are affecting the education sector. As such, it is important to learn its ins and outs to be able to take advantage of it. That said, elearning lets learners make better sense of various subject matters through the use of videos, photos, and other media. Moreover, it lets them interact with their learning materials beyond books. As such, it makes education readily available in difficult times, such as when crowd gathering is not allowed because of the global pandemic. As well, doing so lets schools stay abreast with the requirements of increasingly tech-forward industries.Įlearning, also known as online learning and distance learning, allows students to gain access to their lessons anytime, anywhere. This is to keep up with the demand for accessible yet quality education by today’s digital natives. Schools at all levels can ride the digital wave also by taking advantage of elearning.

tools for data analysis in eduction

This can be seen in the use of virtual reality innovations in medical courses (UCSF, 2017) or in the interactive whiteboards in use in virtual classrooms (Donnellon McCarthy Enterprises, 2018). Technological advancements have been pushing education to the cutting edge.

Tools for data analysis in eduction